Because I was unable to ask a question during the debate - note: I had my hand raised quietly the whole time, but it was the people calling out and screaming who had their questions heard or managed to get called upon.
It's a 2-part question, but a very simple one.
Part 1: In 1947, the UN voted to partition Mandatory Palestine into two states for two peoples. The Jews accepted and the Arabs attacked us. In 1949, there was no recognition. In 1967, Moshe Dayan gave back most of Chevron and Har HaBayit. We ended up being attacked from everywhere over there. Levi Eshkol offered to return Judea and Samaria for peace, but was rejected. In 1977, we finally got "peace" with Egypt, but the Arab world laughed that off. In 1987, we were given the first Intifada. In 1993, we signed Oslo - and had Camp David in 2000. Those both led to thousands of Jews dead. The expulsion from Gaza got us nowhere accept in a worse security situation. (Same story with the unilateral withdrawal from Southern Lebanon in 2000 which led to the Second Lebanon War in 2006.) Annapolis? Bibi's Bar Ilan speech? Washington talks? Settlement freeze? Amman? We have tried and tried again. Where has that led us?
Part 2: Israel has signed peace treaties with two Arab countries - Egypt and Jordan. Add to that the friendships we've shared with two more Muslim nations - Iran and Turkey. Where has that led us? Iran became our bitterest enemy in 1979. All it took was a new government, and our best friend in the region was out. Our second best friend in the region? That's on its way out thanks to a new government, the AKP, from 2002. They "claim" it's because of Cast Lead. If so, that's certainly worse. We try defending ourselves, and we lose a friend over it. On to Egypt: need I say more? Our embassy has been attacked twice, the Parliament has voted the Zionist Regime as the "worst enemy of the Egyptian people" and the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafist Noor Party are both looking to end all agreements with Israel. Jordan has fared no better.
With all that background, I ask a simple question: Why should we make peace with the Palestinians? How are we to ensure that peace will be real? Peace isn't lack of war. We aren't looking for a ceasefire or armistice. We are looking for long-lasting peace. How is this supposed to happen and BE GUARANTEED, considering everything in the region pointing to the contrary.
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